What we do

EEA Guides

The EEA facilitates the development and maintenance of guidelines and best practice documents that support and build on the knowledge and understanding of engineering, technical, and safety standards.

Visit our publications pages to browse the full suite of guides.

Industry guides under review or development

Permit Area Guide (Draft) Consultation

The Safety Standards and Procedures Group (SSPG) have recently reviewed the Guide to Principles for Permit Areas 2014 and Guide for Marking Equipment for Access for Work 2013, and recognised there was a lot of cross over between the two guides, so decided to consolidate the two guides into one.

The purpose of the Guide is to provide industry good practices and standardisation on the principles and requirements for the application and the management of permit areas in Switchyards and Stations as defined in the Safety Manual-Electricity Industry (SM-EI).  The guide also includes the good practices relating to the signage requirements that can be used within permit areas of Switchyards and Stations to define safe access limits for work being undertaken within the permit area.


The working group are now seeking feedback on the draft guide:

Consultation Draft document

Feed back form, excel document for your comments:

Consultation feedback form (exel.doc)

Email feedback to admin@eea.co.nz.   Consultation closes on the Friday 31st January 2025.

Temporary Traffic Management (Draft) Consultation

Following NZTA’s move away from a generic model of temporary traffic management through the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM), to a more risk-based application and the introduction of the New Zealand Guide to Temporary Traffic Management, the EEA established a working group to identify where our industry differs from other contractors working in the road corridor, and where we can provide specific guidance for certain activities.

This Guide provides a list of factors to consider for work that is of short duration, low risk to road users and being undertaken outside of live lanes.


The working group are now seeking feedback on the draft guide:

Consultation Draft document

Feed back form, excel document for your comments:

Consultation feedback form (exel.doc)

Email feedback to admin@eea.co.nz.   Consultation closes on the Friday 31st January 2025.

Guide development and review process

Our processes for developing a new guide, and reviewing and existing guide, are outlined below.

Developing new guides

Reviewing existing guides