The vision is to support new improvement in the engineering, technical and safety capability of industry members by enabling structured and sustainable learning opportunities to meet the current and future professional development needs of the electricity supply industry.


The role of the Group is to provide collaboration, coordination across industry members and stakeholders, provide leadership to enable the sustainable people capability development and transitioning to technology for technical, safety and asset management professionals in the electricity supply industry.


  • To identify current and future capability needs - collaborate with industry, learners, providers and Government to understand current and future skill, knowledge and professional development needs in the electricity supply industry.
  • To enhance the uptake and value of skill development for engineers, technical and safety professionals who are part of employed in the electricity supply industry.
  • To create, support and/or implement delivery of relevant and quality learning and development programmes to meet industry needs.

Terms of reference

Work programme for 2022 / 2023

As per outcomes agreed in 2019/20 Business Plan including micro credential pilot project outcomes.

  • Survey member organisations to identify skill gaps and capability development needs.
  • Develop knowledge development programmes based on Member needs.
  • Convene a forum for trainers.
  • Review existing EEA courses.

Members of the group

  • Michael Whaley (Chair), Consultant
  • Andrea O’Brien, Northpower
  • Andrew Renton, Transpower
  • Brad Rooney, Electronet
  • Deanna Anderson, Energy Academy
  • Hamish Avery, EPECentre
  • Mike Grumball, Waihanga Ara Rau
  • Rachel Masters, Unison
  • Alexandra Hare, Aurecon
  • Rob McCrone, Consultant
  • Peter Berry, EEA
  • Stuart Johnston, EEA
CDG advisor and projects manager is Hayley Head - EEA Principal Advisor Health and Safety.

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