Electricity Engineers' Association

The EEA successfully enables the electricity supply industry to provide New Zealand with sustainable, reliable and safe electricity now and into the future.


EEA Young Engineers. Photo: IEC

The EEA is proud to support our next generation of engineers to build skills and competence with scholarship and awards programme, plus unique benefits for student and graduate members.

The EEA is leading the demand flexibility-focused project, FlexTalk in partnership with EECA (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority) and industry.

The Knowledge Network is your gateway to the EEA's products and features. Connect with others across the industry, join discussion groups, make purchases, and register for courses and events.




The EEA’s working groups develop engineering, technical and safety standards, guidelines and best practice documents that support, improve and build industry knowledge.

Access all publications here

Health and Safety

Engineering and Technical

Systems Planning and Design

Access more resources on the Knowledge Network

Safety Alerts

EEA provides detailed safety alerts including incident reports, from New Zealand, United Kingdom and Ireland, Australia and France.

This is the most comprehensive collation of electricity industry incidents available online in New Zealand and provides management and health and safety personnel in the industry with information that supports improvements in industry safety.

Safety Alerts are available to logged in EEA members and staff of EEA corporate members.

Upcoming Events

Become an EEA member

EEA offers members a range of benefits including discounts on publications and events.


Supporting capability growth across the industry

The EEA has a vision to support growth in the engineering, technical and safety capability of industry by providing structured and sustainable learning opportunities to meet current and future professional development needs.

Access the SM-EI online

The Safety Manual – Electricity Industry (SM-EI) is available to purchase through the Knowledge Network.  When EEA members log in, the Knowledge Network will automatically recognise you as a EEA member and apply member discounts.

The Knowledge Network is EEA’s digital platform for industry networking and publications.


Join the Knowledge Network

The EEA Knowledge Network is your gateway to the electricity industry.   Connect with others and join industry discussion, and access our library of publications, industry courses and events.
