The EEA, working in partnership with industry experts, has developed the Micro-credential in Overhead Line Design, open to anyone wanting to become an overhead line designer  

The micro-credential is based on AS/NZS 7000:2016 Overhead Line Design and HB 331:2020 Overhead Line Design Handbook.

OLD-010 Line Design Principles provides new line designers with foundational overhead line engineering knowledge and provides existing designers with the theoretical understanding to complement their industry knowledge.  This course has been running for four years and has been completed by well over 100 participants.

In July 2024 Carl Rathbone of LineSmarts will be running the Line Design Principles module as an in-person workshop in Christchurch.  

Once numbers are confirmed, a date will be set.

Course outline

Prior to the workshop, attendees will need to review the module online, to familiarise themselves with the Overhead Line Design Standard, the Overhead Line Design Handbook, and four elements of line design:

  • Mechanical concepts
  • Electrical concepts
  • Environmental factors
  • Electrical clearances

Then, attendees join the one-day workshop.  

Carl will work with attendees to reinforce and practice the most important concepts taught which includes:

  • The presentation of new material with a focus on understanding the most important concepts for overhead line design.
  • The demonstration of spreadsheet tools which illustrate some of the course key concepts.
  • Physical in-class experiments which demonstrate key engineering concepts (new material).
  • The presentation of worked examples.
There is also an opportunity for attendees to practice worked examples in class.  The aim here is that after completing this course, participants will be able to independently complete basic overhead line engineering calculations.

Workshop Flyer

Click to view and/or down load the workshop flyer.

Already completed this course and want to know more?

We recommend that participants who have previously completed the online-only version of the course consider attending the in-person workshop.  It contains substantially new material and delivers more in-depth and practically applied knowledge in key areas.

About Carl Rathbone

CarI is a Chartered Professional Engineer with a civil/structural engineering background.  He has spent more than 20 years developing a depth of experience in the engineering design and asset management of overhead lines.

Pricing for the Line Design Principles (OLD-010)

Standard pricing for the Line Design Principles (OLD-010) for EEA members is $2,500 + GST. find out more here or to register for the course click here.

Workshop only pricing

For those who only want to attend the workshop the price is $1,000 + GST.


To register for this workshop click this link here.

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