The EEA conduct in New Zealand in association with Safety Wise Solutions (SWS) Lead Incident Investigator course and offer 'In-house' Training using the Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) method

Safety Wise is the world’s leading training provider of the globally accepted systemic safety investigation analysis method known as ICAM.

As the original architect of the ICAM process, Safety Wise provides course facilitators with both formal vocational training qualifications and second-to-none experience in practically applying the ICAM process in a variety of industrial settings. ICAM training is provided throughout the world and is customised to national culture and language requirements.


Designed for individuals who are expected to lead or facilitate low level event investigations and will be called upon to participate in high level events and then lead when experienced.

Course covers:

  • An introduction to systemic investigations
  • An introduction to understanding human error in the context of organisational systems.
  • Data gathering methods including witness interviewing
  • Data organisation methodologies (timeline and fault tree processes)
  • Data analysis using the ICAM model
  • Development of corrective and preventative measures
  • Practical application of incident investigation tools in case studies

To date, ICAM has been used in the investigation of incidents in the transport, resource, manufacturing, retail, construction, energy and medical sectors. Its successful use in a number of different countries (including Australia, Canada, USA, Chile, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Papua New Guinea, Peru, South Africa, Mongolia, China, Armenia, etc.), work domains and cultural settings, indicates that it migrates readily as an investigation tool to a range of national and industrial contexts.

  • ICAM Lead Incident Investigator Course - 2 Days Overview


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