This course explores the distributed generation landscape and the regulatory framework underpinning connections arrangements

The course aims to provide distribution line company staff, potential generators, and industry consultants with information to help understand and navigate:

In addition (and in anticipation of the proposed consultation on changes to Part 6) Ron will be discussing the proposed changes in order to help you make informed submissions to the Electricity Authority.

The Facilitator

Ron Beatty

Ron Beatty

Known to most people, Ron Beatty has worked in most areas of the electricity industry in the last 50+ years including the Electricity Regulator (Electricity Commission and then the Electricity Authority) for 15 years until his retirement. His most recent position was Principal Adviser Market Services where he specialised in complex technical issues, market operations, physical and financial settlements, and industry training.

Who should participate?

The course is suitable for anyone working with connection arrangements or interested in distributed generation and participating in the electricity market.

To register your interest in these courses, email to

Subject: Distributed Generation - Connection Arrangements  - interest

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