The EEA in partnership with Lumen, Energyedge , WSP and the Industry Reference Group, continue to work diligently working to develop the ESI Overhead Line Design Micro-Credential.

Micro-Credential Details

The micro-credential comprises eight modules, with the base documents being AS/NZS 7000:2016 Overhead Line Design and the new HB 331:2020 Overhead Line Design Handbook. The modules are:

OLD-010 - Line Design Principles* OLD-010 Overview click here
OLD-020 - Conductor Solutions (technical module)
OLD-020 Overview click here
OLD-030 - Insulator Solutions (technical module)
OLD-030 Overview click here
OLD-040 - Pole Solutions (technical module)

OLD-050 - Cross-arm Solutions (technical module)

OLD-060 - Stay Solutions (technical module)
OLD-060 Overview click here
OLD-070 - Foundations and Footings (technical module)

OLD-080 - Line Design Practice - Portfolio Based Assessment*
OLD-080 Overview click here

To complete the micro-credential a candidate must complete the *first and *last modules (OLD-010 - Line Design Principles, and OLD-080 - Line System - Portfolio Based Assessment) and at least one of the six technical modules.

Note: The modules may be taken independently (without the need to enrol in the micro-credential), and the EEA offers a bulk discount to anyone who wishes to enrol in all the six technical modules.


The course has been designed to support entry into the micro-credential for those who either have not studied math for quite some time, or who feel they need to refresh their basic algebra and trigonometry knowledge before beginning one of the micro-credential modules.  

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Enrolment and Pricing

The modules are run in cohorts, with most cohorts comprising 20 participants. If you wish to enrol in any of the modules currently being run, visit Upcoming Events to check for availability.

Pricing is as follows:

OLD-010: Line Design Principles

Member rate $2,500 + GST
Non member rate $2,700.00+GST  

OLD-020 - 070 The technical modules

Member rate $1,600 + GST each module 
Non member rate $1,800 + GST each module

OLD-080: Line Design Practice

Member rate $2,500 + GST 
Non member rate $2,700.00+GST

Note: For those who complete any of the six technical modules independent of the micro-credential, the module will be credited to the micro-credential if the candidate does later decide to enrol.

Need to upskill or train a team?  Inhouse training is available for all EEA courses. Contact us to discuss your needs at

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