EEA Photo Competition 2023 - Results

Firstly, a big thank you to all of our members that took the time to submit an entry into this years photo competition. We received 46 amazing images and the voting results were quite close between those that came out on top but there was a favourite. 

Secondly, we also want to thank the members that took the time to review the images and submit their votes. Without this level of participation we would not have a successful result to share with you.

Finally, we are planning to hold this competition again in 2024 so next time you are out and about, get snapping as you may just capture the next winning image.

The Results

Winner - The winning image was submitted by Chicane Newcombe from Omexom. The image description is 'Pot of Gold at the end of the Manapouri'. Chicane's winning image will be used on the EEA 2023/2024 Annual Report cover and Chicane will also receive either a complimentary delegate registration for the EEA2024 Conference in Christchurch or a $250 prezzy card.

Second - The image that came in second in the voting results was submitted by Rebecca Wheeler of Marlborough Lines. The image description is 'Redwood Pass line upgrade, Marlborough Lines'. 

Third  - The third spot is an image supplied by Sonny Singh from Sparrow Construction with his image below described as 'A day in harness'. 

2023 Entries Photo Gallery

Link to view the full submissions received for the 2023 competition

2022 Entries Photo Gallery

Link to view the full submissions received for the 2022 competition

2021 Entries Photo Gallery

Link to view the results and full submissions received for the 2021 competition

2020 Entries Photo Gallery

Link to view the results and full submissions received for the 2020 competition
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