Access to the ESI Safety Statistics

The EEA ESI Safety Performance Indicators are available to electricity supply asset owners that are current contributors to their production.

The reports highlight industry and sector trends in injury frequency and severity rates, while comparing those with WorkSafe targets. While historically the industry has focused on reporting Lost Time Injury data, EEA encouraged in 2014/15 a move towards Total Recordable Injury reporting, in an effort to benchmark relative safety performance more objectively and to align with similar industries overseas.

The reports are supplemented with a benchmarking spreadsheet, which includes individual and anonymous company data, benchmarked by industry and peer groups, for use internally.

Access is password protected

The password and also your company Respondent Code/s were communicated in December 2018 in an email to your company Chief Executive and Safety Manager. Please refer to them first if you are authorised to access the report information (link below).

Please call the EEA on 04 473 8600 for any queries concerning this.

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