Mitch Graham, Unison Networks, winner of the 2023 Young Engineer of the Year Award.

Increasingly our young engineers are playing a significant role in shaping the future of our industry

The EEA wishes to recognise their contribution to our industry and is asking companies and individuals to identify and nominate from within their business, candidates for the EEA Young Engineer of the Year Award. The IEC Meetings in 2024 will be held in Edinburgh, UK over 19th to 25th October.

The award will be presented to a young engineer who is judged to have demonstrated great achievement and leadership within the electricity supply industry, community and stakeholders.

The entrant must be aged under 35 as at 31st December 2024, and have a tertiary-level engineering or technology qualification and be an individual member of the EEA or staff member of a Corporate Member.

Read all about 2023 winner, Mitch Graham


2024 Timeline

  • Monday 1st April:  Accepting Entries
  • Friday 17th May:  Entries Close
  • Friday 14th June:  Winner Announced

Entry requirements

All entries must comprise of the following material:

  1. A personal summary including academic achievements, involvement with professional and business organisations, cultural and sporting interests and community involvement.
  2. Employment Summary. In addition to the personal summary applicants are asked to address the five points provided in no more than 500 words per section and show how you have gained the attributes through engineering. Entries are encouraged to address the following five points:
    • Engineering competence
    • Demonstrated communication and leadership skills (including leadership of teams)
    • Positive/notable outcomes from their performance
    • Creativity/innovation
    • Community service to industry, the profession and/or society.
  3. Two Referee reports. The judges may contact referees for further information or clarification.

Award Prize

The winner of the EEA Young Engineer of the Year will represent New Zealand and our industry at the IEC Young Professionals Programme.  The prize includes travel (return economy class) and accommodation (3 nights), an award plaque and $500 cash. The IEC is the international standards setting body for the Electricity Supply Industry and the Young Professionals Programme is the premier international forum for upcoming young engineers and engineering managers working in the field of electrotechnology.  The 2024 IEC Meetings will be held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom over 19 to 25 October 2024.

Participants come from all over the world to look at key industry issues, learn about the IEC; its work in the development of international Standards; and provides participants with the tools to get more engaged in IEC work. The award is jointly sponsored by the EEA, Standards NZ and the NZ IEC National Committee.

Judging Criteria

Entrants will be scored in four key areas:

Criteria and Performance Indicators


Development of the entrant's career as an engineer including:

  • Academic history and achievements
  • Employment history and achievements


Demonstrated excellence in an engineering attributes:

  • Engineering competence
  • Demonstrated communication and leadership skills (including leadership of teams)
  • Positive/notable outcomes from their performance
  • Creativity/innovation
  • Community service to industry, the profession and/or society


Demonstration of high standards of ethical and personal behaviour, peer recognition and contribution to the Community


Communication and leadership skills via a topic presentation to the Judging Panel


Total Score


Terms and conditions of entry

The entrant accepts and agrees to the following terms and conditions:

  1. The entrant must be aged under 35 as at 31st December 2024, and have a tertiary-level engineering or technology qualification.
  2. The entrant must be supported by their organisation and be either an Individual Member of the EEA or staff member of a Corporate Member.
  3. The entrant gives permission to the EEA to use any of the material provided for publicity and promotional purposes.
  4. An electronic copy of the entry be provided including a high quality jpeg image of the entrant.
  5. Should further information be requested, this must be provided by the date specified.
  6. Should the entrant be announced as a finalist, the entrant must be available to give a presentation to a judging panel on a date to be agreed, and must attend the formal award presentation.
  7. The EEA will meet finalists reasonable travel and accommodation expenses to attend a presentation to Judges and the formal award presentation if successful.
  8. Entrants and finalists from previous years awards may re enter so long as they meet the conditions of entry.
  9. The judges reserve the right not to make an award where, in the judges' opinion, no entry of adequate standard has been received.
  10. The judges undertake to observe the confidentiality of entries and to declare to avoid any possible conflict of interest.
  11. The assessment results of the award will not create any legal obligations between the entrant and the EEA.
  12. The entrant accept that the judges' decision is final and that no correspondence will be entered into.
  13. The EEA reserves the right to publish any aspect of the award, including its presentation.
  14. Unless specifically arranged, submissions and supporting material will not be returned to the entrant.

How to enter

Entries are now closed for 2024. Online Entry Form - Please ensure to have your attachments ready or email your entry to

Previous young engineers award winners


Mitch Graham

IEC Young Professionals, Workshop Report:  (Online) Cairo, Egypt – 22-26 October 2023

2022 Cameron Chapman Report on IEC Young Professionals Workshop 2022 - (co-written with Tom Brennan)
2021 Michael O'Brien, Powerco Ltd COVID-19 - was unable to attend
2019 Michael Dalzell, Transpower
No report available, was unable to attend


Rebecca Marx, Mitton Electronet

Report on IEC Young Professionals Workshop 2018


Dr. Bhaba Das, ETEL Transformers

Report on IEC Young Professionals Workshop 2017


Rowan Sinton, Meridian Energy

No report available, was unable to attend


Kieran Kennedy, Mitton Electronet

EEA Conference paper on the importance of international standards - (co-written with Dr. Thahirah Jalal)


Dr. Thahirah Jala, Unison

Report on the 78th IEC Young Professionals Workshop


to 2013

The award was not presented


Mat O'Neil, Genesis Energy

No report available

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