EEA/EECA Flextalk project - Webinar recording and EA TEchnology report now available

On 14 February the EEA/EECA and industry FlexTalk project hosted a webinar with partner EA Technology, on the adoption of open communication protocols across international markets. The session covered who is doing what, why and what does it mean for Aotearoa New Zealand?

The research report completed by EA Technology ‘International review of open communication/standards or protocols’ is now available for sharing along with a recording on the webinar and the Q and As from the event. You can find the content here on our website.

The FlexTalk project is exploring how the adoption of a common communication protocol, in this case OpenADR®, could better enable customer flexibility to be utilised by testing the interoperability of a two-way common communication protocol between an electricity distribution company and flexibility supplier.

Our pilot trial has tested the feasibility of a common communications protocol and develop the procedures needed for the active management of electric vehicle charging in near real time and the charge/discharge of batteries.  FlexTalk tested the approach for how we integrate distributed energy resources (DER) flexibility within our distribution networks for optimal energy use.

The project is nearing its conclusion, with our final report and technical guide scheduled for release in April.

For all our FlexTalk background and reports to date, visit our website.

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