The Asset Management Forum 2018 addresses and develops this key aspect of the electricity business. It brings together the technical knowledge and experience of New Zealand professionals and visiting Keynotes, with the development work the EEA's Asset Management Group has been progressing through the year.


The forum programme can be viewed and / or downloaded here.


Mike Whaley - EEA AMG Chair / Powerco

Tas Scott - Mitton Electronet

Power System Earthing Guide Review

Stuart Banks - Mitton Electronet

Arc Flash Guide Review

Ian Stedall - Genesis Energy

Arc Flash Genesis Case Study

Marshall Clark - Transpower

Arc Flash: Refurbishment and Replacement
Decision Making
(Not Available)

Rodger Griffiths - Westpower / EEA AMG Member

Metering Safety: Good Practice Guide Review

Russell Watson - Northpower / EEA AMG Member

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Guidelines Submission to WorkSafe

Michael O'Brien - Powerco

Powerco Customised Price Path (CPP) Transition to delivery

Paul Mitchell and Simon Todd - Commerce Commission

Asset Management and Energy Infrastructure Investment

Paul Blackmore - Powerco

Developing the Asset Criticality Guide

Rodger Griffiths - Westpower / EEA AMG Member

Adopting the United Kingdom Distribution
Network Operator (DNO) Common Methodology to the
New Zealand context

Andrew Gatland - Unison

International Standard Organisation (ISO) 55000 Certification at Unison

Michael Eschenbruch - Genesis Energy

Application of Criticality and Asset Health Indicators (AHI)

Jules Congalton - Unison

Asset Information Landscape

Robin Pettwood - Powerco

Diagnosing with Data

Neil Jelley - Genesis Energy

Making a Hackathon real for Asset folk

Olivia Carpenter - The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

Extracting Actionable Information from Asset Data


Richard Steer / Bradley Singh - Wellington Electricity

Funding Resilience through a STREAMLINED CPP

Gary McDonald - Market Economics

Measuring the economics of Resilient Infrastructure Tool (MERIT)

Peter Cenek - Opus

Improving New Zealand's Resilience to Wind Storms

Dave Brannigan - Orion / EEA AMG Member

Resilience: The Ongoing Journey

Tas Scott - Mitton Electronet

The 4Rs of Resilience

Rodger Griffiths - Westpower / EEA AMG Member

Resilience Planning - Theory and Practice

Mike Whaley - Powerco / EEA AMG Chair

Suggested EEA Work on Resilience and Group Discussion

Trevor Herrington - Long Controls United Kingdom

Long & Crawford Switchgear Refurbishment

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