WorkSafe draft Guidelines on Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging

WorkSafe have released draft technical guidance for the installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Equipment.

The draft Guidance consists of three parts:

    • Part 1 covers the safety fundamentals for those dealing with EV charging, references and bibliography
    • Part 2 is selection and installation of equipment
    • Part 3 relates to in-cord control and protection devices (IC-CPDs).

The EEA is aware that some of our members have been installing EV charging stations and will have an interest in the content of these guidelines. WorkSafe have agreed to include the EEA in the consultation process. The industry consultation on the development of these guidelines has been limited to date, so we have an opportunity to agree or suggest improvements to the guidelines to ensure they are practicable and reflect the technology and expertise currently available in New Zealand.

The time frame available for consultation is very limited due to WorkSafe’s deadline. If you are interested in providing comment on the guideline to be included in an EEA submission please contact before close of business on Tuesday the 11th of October.

If you wish to make comments directly to Worksafe they should be sent to by close of business on Friday the 14th of October.

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