Intermediate electrical engineer emma lloyd seconded to the Executive committee

The Executive Committee of the Electricity Engineers Association (EEA) is thrilled to welcome Emma Lloyd to the committee on a two-year secondment.

Emma is a graduate of the University of Canterbury holding an honours degree in Electrical Engineering. She is currently working as an Intermediate Electrical Engineer at Connetics.

Her secondment began today with her first committee meeting.

The EEA provides expertise, advice and information on engineering, asset management and safety issues affecting the electricity industry. It provides a focal point for collaboration and leadership as the industry transforms and works toward its decarbonisation.

President of the EEA Josie Boyd says the Association wants to ensure that young professionals have a voice at the table and an opportunity to influence the future of the industry.

“That is why we are extending our committee to include more voices so we can explore new and different ways to support the industry in its transformation.

“Having a mix of perspectives and capability is vital to implementing and delivering our 2050 transformation strategy and leading Aotearoa though the multiple, complex energy and decarbonations challenges it faces,” she says.

“It is fantastic to have Emma on board.”

Since beginning her career, Emma has been actively involved in initiatives to encourage more women, Māori, and school students to pursue engineering. She describes herself as a passionate believer in the benefits of collaboration between established engineers and those who are new to the industry.

“I know that young professionals and students who have not yet entered the industry are essential to bridging the talent gap. Representation from this group along with experienced executives, will enhance the committee’s perspective and increase diversity of thought, leading to progress and innovation in establishing a robust future workforce,” says Emma.

“I am really looking forward to bringing this perspective to the EEA.”


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