
In 2017 the first annual Asset Information Manager’s Forum (AIMF) was held as a subgroup under the EEA’s Asset Management Group (AMG). This forum served to bring together those responsible for asset information in NZ electricity generation, transmission and distribution organisations. Apart from creating cross industry connections, the group also shared solutions to common asset information problems, discussed industry guidelines and explored where it made sense to standardise such as where asset connect between the three sectors represented. This group created that EEA’s Asset Information Maturity Framework which was published in 2021. The last Asset Information Manager’s Forum was held in May 2021 at Transpower, Wellington.

In the proceedings of the last forum held in May 2021 forum, the group noted the following benefits and role of the forum:

  1. Develop a common approach
  2. Connect with others to create network
  3. Some shared sites and asset connections points between organisations which benefit from a common approach to information definition and exchange
  4. Identify where asset information standards are required and either adopt external ones or come up with NZ specific ones
  5. Learn from others and collaborate on solutions
  6. Facilitate cross industry data exchange by developing a common approach or adopting standards
  7. Understand more about the impact of changing platforms and technologies so we can get the best outcomes for our stakeholders

Feedback from the last asset information managers forum is that there is value in continuing with the annual Asset Information Manager’s Forum (AIMF) as it provided a valuable opportunity to connect on asset information topics across the industry.

2022 Forum

The EEA organised the AIMF to be held on 25 November 2022 to continue the momentum and work of this forum. The goal is to bring together industry participants with the purpose of the forum continuing to be:

  1. Develop and agree standards, guidelines and maturity assessment for managing asset information.
  2. Enable asset information managers from electricity generation, transmission and distribution to understand how others as are dealing with challenges that are common across the industry.
  3. Create relationships that are useful when making contact throughout the year to discuss issues that affect other organisations in the industry.


AIMP Agenda and Decisions

 AIMP - CBRM Rebuild Within SQL DB by Huazhuo Lin, WEL Networks

AIMF - ComCom by Sean McCready and Ananya Shamihoke, Commerce Commission
Digital Twins by Attila Cegledi, Powerco
Making Network Data Accessible by Michael Petrove, Powerco
Data Journey by Chris Franks, Vector

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