The EEA National Committee on Live Work (NCLW) are holding their annual Live Work Forum at the Sudima Airport Hotel in Christchurch on Wednesday 5th September.

The forum will include a range of presentations and discussions on live work issues in New Zealand and the workof the NCLW, also participation from three representatives from the Australian electricity industry High Voltage Work Practices Group (HVWPG). The Australian electricity industry operates under similar health and safety legislation to New Zealand.

About the Australian Speakers

  • Rob Oldfield (Work Practices Advisor - Energy Safe, Victoria)
  • Mick McGreevy (Senior Transmission Support Officer - Energex, Queensland)
  • Garry Shearing (Chair of the HVWPG and Live Line Worker (Technical and Cultural Lead) Tasmania Networks)
View and/or download their Bio Notes here.


The forum programme can be viewed and / or here.


Bob Taylor - EEA NCLW Chair

Welcome, overview and the day and NCLW work

Rob Oldfield - Work Practices Advisor: Energy Safe, Victoria

Regulations of HV Live Work in Victoria, Australia

Energy Safe Victoria - WPO Audit Tool 2017 v4
(note this is a Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet)

Gavin Paget - Works Project Manager, Powerco

HV Live Line Standard Powerco Procedure path

Garry Shearing - Chair of the (HVWPG) and Live Line Work
(Technical and Cultural Lead) Tasmania Networks

Australian National Work Practice Forum

Mick McGreevy - Senior Transmission Support Officer, Energex, Queensland

Australian High-Voltage Live Working Standard: AS5804 2010

Bob Taylor - EEA NCLW Chair

HV Work Selection, LV and Auditing

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