FlexTalk webinar: Where to now for demand flexibility?

18 July 2024
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Live Event (virtual delivery)
Joining instructions:

Before the event you will be sent a meeting link to join the Webinar.

The publication of the FlexTalk project final reports were just the beginning of the work on demand flexibility. 

Consumer uptake of electric vehicles, batteries and smart devices is only going to increase alongside the connection of new, renewable generation.  It is critical that we get ahead of the curve to ensure we are coordinating to meet this future. 

Our latest webinar in the FlexTalk series is hosted by the EEA and Cortexo – our technical lead in the FlexTalk project. 

  • Date:  Thursday 18th July
  • Time:  11:30am – 12:30pm
  • Venue:  MS Teams

In this session we will cover off how the next stage of the FlexTalk project is shaping up and discuss a number of projects that are aligning to solve the flexibility challenges.

These include:

  • FlexTalk 2.0 early thoughts on project principles, objectives and testing tranches
  • The Ara Ake project FlexViz which is using OpenADR to provide visibility of flexibility at every GXP to networks. (Come along to see a live demonstration!)
  • The collaborative work happening with the ENA and EA as part of the Streamlining Connections work and
  • Linkages to other key industry work programmes


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