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Asset Management Maturity Assessment Tool (Guide)


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The Commerce Commission has included an Asset Management Maturity Assessment Tool (AMMAT) as part of the information that Electricity Distribution Businesses (EDB) are required to disclose in their annual information disclosures. The Commission have chosen 31 questions from the 121 questions prescribed by the PAS 55 Assessment Methodology (PAM). They have been selected to provide information not previously required by the Information Disclosure requirements.

In 2012 the Electricity Engineers Association of New Zealand (Inc) (EEA) prepared this Guide to assist and encourage EDB to follow a consistent approach across the industry when they prepare their AMMAT disclosures. The Guide was subsequently reviewed by industry and the EEA Asset Management Group in 2013/14.

Substantial additional information has been included to assist asset managers undertaking their own assessments of their Asset Management capabilities and practices. This guide provides assistance and a context for assessments of Asset Management Maturity to be undertaken consistently across the industry and to reassure asset managers that undertaking they own assessments of their Asset Management capabilities and practices need not be a major undertaking.

The Commerce Commission have had the opportunity to comment on this Guide during the review process and have indicated their continued support for industry lead initiatives that assist compliance and develop better understanding of asset management capabilities.

This Guide will be regularly reviewed and updated. Feedback from industry users, regulators, and other interested parties is welcome and should be sent to admin@eea.co.nz.

Future revisions will seek to enrich the Guide content by describing levels of capability for each activity, providing further guidance on what assessment at each particular level might look like and articulating potential improvements to reach levels of activity that the company considers appropriate.

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