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Low Voltage Network Self Review Framework (Guide)


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This Guide has been prepared by the EEA Asset Management Group (AMG) and representatives of the electricity supply industry as a guidance document for the New Zealand industry.

The Guide provides a transparent "self-review" framework to assist electricity distribution companies undertaking checks or audits of their asset management of Low Voltage (LV) systems. LV networks have a number of key attributes that make them worthy of special asset management attention. They convey electricity to over 99% of electricity customers; make up a significant part of the total number of network assets; and have the closest proximity to customers which makes their management an important part of public and workplace safety systems.

The Guide will assist asset owners to understand and make prudent decisions that help legislative compliance, environmental performance, and improve knowledge of risk and lifecycle cost options.

This Guide aims to promote discussion on areas for further improvement in management of the industry's LV systems and will be regularly reviewed and updated. Feedback from all interested parties is encouraged and should be sent to admin@eea.co.nz.

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