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Asset Health Indicator Guideline for Generators


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This guideline has been prepared by the EEA Asset Management Group (AMG) and representatives of the electricity supply industry as a guidance document for the New Zealand industry. This guideline is focused upon Generator Health Indices and the collection and analysis of data to provide the opportunity for increased knowledge of the condition, or health of generation assets. Asset health indices are an integral part of an asset management plan.

The intended audience for these guidelines are those engineers who have responsibility for: Ensuring reliability and performance of electricity generating assets and, The strategic planning of lifecycle asset management activities (design, commissioning, operating, maintaining, upgrade/replace, decommissioning/disposal) of electricity generating assets.

The Generator Health Indices should materially assist the generation asset owner to make prudent decisions that help maximise legislative compliance, environmental performance, the business benefits of revenue opportunity, and risk and lifecycle cost reductions. These are the potential benefits and payback on the investment made in the Indices. Generator Health Indices will not predict exactly when failures are going to occur but do provide material benefits that will strengthen the ability of a generator to identify increasing risks of failure and take preventative action.

The Electricity Engineers' Association of New Zealand (Inc) (EEA) has prepared these guidelines to assist and encourage generators to follow a consistent approach to generator health indices across the industry.

This guideline will be regularly reviewed and updated. Feedback from industry users, regulators, and other interested parties is encouraged and should be sent to admin@eea.co.nz.

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