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High Voltage Single Wire Earth-Return (SWER) Systems (Guide)


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This Electricity Engineers' Association (EEA) Guide to High Voltage Single Wire Earth-Return (SWER) Systems has been prepared by representatives of the electricity supply industry and the telecommunications industry for the purpose of providing the supply industry with advice and recommendations of engineering practices that should be followed by designers, constructors and operators of high voltage single wire earth return (SWER) systems.

This Guide has been developed from the New Zealand Electrical Code of Practice (ECP) 41 "Single Wire Earth-Return System" and is intended to provide owners and operators with current engineering advice in respect to the design and operation of SWER systems and lists other SWER related publications to which reference may be made for more detailed information. In particular, the Guide should be used in conjunction with "SWER - HV Power Lines Application Guide" published by the New Zealand Committee for the Coordination of Power and Telecommunication Systems (NZCCPTS). That publication provides a detailed explanation of the potential effects of the presence and operation of SWER systems in the vicinity of telecommunication lines and the terminology used in specifying hazard and noise voltage limits.

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