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Arc Flash (Guide)


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A revised version of the Arc Flash Guide is now available for download from the EEA website here.

PURPOSE OF GUIDE The guide has been prepared with the aim of improving the understanding of, and the ability to manage, arc flash hazards for everyone within the wider electrical industry. This Guide covers:

  • A description of arc flash and factors that contribute to arc flash hazards
  • options for analysing arc flash hazards
  • application of risk assessment to arc flash hazards
  • arc flash specific mitigation options and how these apply to a robust hierarchy of control measures
  • legislation, standards and guidelines that apply to arc flash hazards.

UPDATED REVISION The review of the guide led to some of the following changes:

  • Additional detail regarding the nature of arc flash hazards
  • updated references due to changes in legislation, standards and other relevant codes
  • reference to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and alignment with the EEA Safety in Design Guide
  • addition of methodologies for calculating arc flash incident energy
  • inclusion of case studies.

Note: At the time of publication a new version of IEEE 1584 Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations has been drafted. The current draft proposes significant changes to the standard. The EEA plans to review the EEA Arc Flash guide once the new IEEE 1584 is confirmed, in preference to delaying the release of the guide pending the final publication of a revised IEEE 1584.

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