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Selection of Work Methods to Undertake Low Voltage Work on Electricity Supply Assets (Guide)


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The Electricity Engineers' Association (EEA) is committed to promoting safe work practice and industry experience with industry companies and the Regulators to successfully manage health and safety risks within our Industry.

Where industry agrees to follow a similar approach to manage a common risk the intention is to formalise this in an industry guide.

This Guide provides a transparent framework to assist the Electricity Supply Industry to apply a structured risk assessment approach to determine the appropriate method to undertake Low Voltage work. Specifically, to help determine, based on a balance of risk, the selection between a de-energised or live work method to undertake work on overhead or underground assets. In both cases the work must be controlled in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSW Act).

The Guide has been prepared by the EEA, their National Committee on Live Work (NCLW), reviewed by the Safety Standards and Procedures Group (SSPG) and representatives of the electricity supply industry as a guidance document for the New Zealand Electricity Supply Industry.

This Guide also aims to promote discussion on areas for further improvement in management of Low Voltage Live Work in the industry and will be regularly reviewed and updated. Feedback from all interested parties is encouraged and should be sent to admin@eea.co.nz.

$0.00 - $50.00
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