Line Design Principles (OLD-010) is the first of eight modules that make up the EEA endorsed Micro-credential in Overhead Line Design

Welcome to the refreshed Line Design Principles Module!

After a considerable amount of work, the EEA on behalf of the Steering Group, and those who helped improve the module is pleased to launch OLD-010 Line Design Principles.

After completing this module, learners should be able to use engineering principles and methods to determine the safety and performance levels of overhead electricity distribution system components in New Zealand, under a given set of variables.

Context for the module includes all elements of an overhead electricity distribution system operating at any voltage, plus other services providing interference through proximity or co-use of structure.

Learners most likely to benefit from this course will be currently working in the field of overhead line engineering or be currently working on overhead lines under full registration. Maths knowledge from a secondary course in calculus or tertiary qualification in engineering is recommended.

Learning is a blend of self-directed online learning, accompanied by a bi-weekly webinar with technical experts who will available for questions and clarification.

The module consists of four sections, with assessment involving learners answering a series of knowledge-based questions. Two attempts are allowed to achieve a required pass rate of 75%.

This module provides foundational theory which is pre-requisite to further study in overhead line design. It is required to be completed before attempting any of the technical modules to follow.

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