EEA and its member companies are committed to supporting the effective management of critical risks, health and wellbeing, and the minimisation of harm for people who are in, on, or near to, our sector assets.
To achieve these outcomes, the EEA hosts two Standing Committees focused on worker safety: the Safety Standard and Procedures Group (SSPG) and the National Committee on Live Work (NCLW).
About the SSPG
The role of the Safety Standards and Procedures Group (SSPG) is to be the authoritative and coordinating industry committee for discussion and resolution of national issues affecting safety in the electricity supply industry participants.
About the NCLW
The role of the National Committee on Live Work (NCLW) is to be the authoritative industry body for discussion and resolution of national issues effecting live line work and live work on networks in the electricity supply industry.
Back to Basics campaign
An analysis of the root causes of fatalities and serious incidents that happened in the electricity supply industry over a number of years has shown that all the fatalities and most of the incidents could have been prevented by following basic, well-understood safety procedures.
This work led to the development of six non-negotiable requirements that should be followed by workers at all times and form the basis of the Back to Basics initiative.
Surveys and statistics
The EEA coordinate different surveys and statistical reports for the benefit of the industry.
The EEA is proud to support StayLive – founded in 2011 by New Zealand’s five largest electricity generators. Membership has since been extended to include Pioneer Energy, Transpower and the Electricity Engineers’ Association as core members.
The StayLive initiative has seen competitor companies come together to pool their resources for the single objective to improve health and safety in the industry.
The group meets formally every six weeks and the working group leaders provide updates on the current initiatives and where safety alerts and the lessons learned are shared and discussed. Where working groups are able to come to agreement on common approaches and guidelines are prepared for the industry.
These guidelines are freely available so please visit the StayLive website to learn more about the group.
If you are interested in becoming an associate member and participating in the working groups, get in contact with the StayLive Team