Courses and Careers

Overhead Line Design

Professional Development

Micro-credential in Overhead Line Design

The EEA in partnership with the Overhead Line Design Forum and a range of line design experts have developed the eight courses that comprise the micro-credential. Based on AS/NZS 7000:2016 and HB 331:2020, and incorporating tools provided by members of the forum this micro-credential continues to grow and improve to meet the needs of distribution line designers.

Micro-credential structure

The micro-credential comprises:

  • OLD-010 Line Design Principles
  • OLD-020 Conductor Solutions
  • OLD-030 Insulator Solutions
  • OLD-040 Pole Solutions (in development)
  • OLD-050 Cross-arm Solutions (coming soon)
  • OLD-060 Stay Solutions
  • OLD-070 Foundations and Footings (in development)
  • OLD-080 Line Design Practice – the portfolio-based assessment

To complete the micro-credential candidates must complete OLD-010, OLD-080 and at least one of the six technical modules (OLD-020 to OLD-070).

How you will learn

OLD-010 Line Design Principles is delivered in four sections over a one-month period. Each section consists of an online learning module followed by a one hour webinar with an industry expert.

OLD-020 to OLD-070 (the technical modules) involve the review of ‘technical notes’ and the resolution of a problem associated with the relevant technical components. Tools and techniques are also discussed and provided.

OLD-080 Line Design Practice is a capstone assessment, involving the submission and assessment of a portfolio of your own work. 

You will gain a working knowledge of:

  • Mechanical and electrical design theory
  • Designing for clearance, and for the environment
  • The components and elements that make up a line system
  • Component materials (historic, common, and emerging trends)
  • Component-based design parameters and calculation methods
  • Field-based challenges associated with construction and maintenance

You will also practice:

  • Applying relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice to line design
  • Producing deliverables required for communicating design intent
  • Two-way involvement in peer review and Safety in
  • Design reviews
  • Translating designs into safe and functional solutions

The course is designed to help line-mechanics and others become line designers through a mix of education, training, and employer and peer support. The only prerequisite is you must be working in a distribution company, or for a consultant or contractor to a distribution company and have the support of your employer/supervisor.

Who is involved

We have embraced the concept of Kāhui Ako (Communities of Learning) in the development and delivery of the micro-credential modules. To this end, we have been fortunate to work with a range of individuals and organisations, including:

  • Carl Rathbone, formally of PowerNet and now as the director of LineSmarts. 
  • Rob Douglas, of Energy Edge and PowerNet.

We also wish to acknowledge the members of our Line Design Forum and micro-credential alumni for helping to continue improving these modules.


The modules are run in cohorts, with most cohorts comprising of 20 participants.

Note: For those who complete any of the six technical modules independent of the micro-credential, the module will be credited to the micro-credential if the candidate does later decide to enrol.

ModuleMember rateNon-member rate
OLD-010: Line Design Principles$2,500.00 + GST$2,700.00 + GST
OLD-020 – 070: The technical modules$1,600.00 + GST$1,800.00 + GST
OLD-080: Line Design Practice$2,500.00 + GST$2,700.00 + GST

Mathematics for Overhead Line Designers

The Mathematics for Overhead Line Designers course was developed in response to feedback from those who participated in the micro-credential in Overhead Line Design who felt their mathematics knowledge needed refreshing before beginning the technical modules.

The course is not a compulsory part of the micro-credential but is recommended. 

The course is suitable for technical engineers and electrical tradespeople who work as a line designer and are aware of gaps in their knowledge of the mathematics involved. Participants will already have a basic understanding of electrical theory and NCEA Level 1 (or equivalent) mathematics skills. 

Theoretical knowledge and skills are shared through two stand-alone modules delivered in webinar workshops. Practice is undertaken as homework between workshops, and ‘cheat-sheets’ are provided as takeaways to help you in your job. 

The two modules are:

  • Module 1 – Algebraic equations (delivered in three 1.5hr workshops)
  • Module 2 – Trigonometry (delivered in two 1.5hr workshops)

Upon completion of these modules, you will be able to:

  • Perform basic mathematic calculations
  • Interpret and use engineering formulae
  • Check engineering design calculations


Introduction to MathematicsMember rate $600 + GSTNon-member rate $800 + GST

Mathematics for Overhead Line Designers

Refresh your basic algebra and trigonometry knowledge before you start the micro-credential modules. Learn how to perform basic mathematic calculations, interpret and use engineering formulae, and check engineering design calculations (duration 7.5hrs). Recommended, but not compulsory.

OLD-010 Line Design Principles

Use engineering principles and methods to determine the safety and performance levels of overhead electricity distribution system components in New Zealand, under a given set of variables. This module provides foundational theory which is prerequisite to further study in overhead line design. The module consists of four sections, with assessment involving participants answering a series of knowledge-based questions (duration 50hrs).

OLD-020 Conductor Solutions

Design a conductor solution for an overhead distribution line, using a whole of life design approach, and in accordance with sound Safety in Design (SiD) principles (duration 30hrs).

OLD-030 Insulator Solutions

Design an insulator solution for an overhead distribution line, using a whole of life design approach, and in accordance with sound Safety in Design (SiD) principles (duration 30hrs).

OLD-040 Pole Solutions

Design a pole solution for an overhead distribution line, using a whole of life design approach, and in accordance with sound Safety in Design (SiD) principles (duration 30hrs).

OLD-050 Cross-arm Solutions

Design an cross-arm solution for an overhead distribution line, using a whole of life design approach, and in accordance with sound Safety in Design (SiD) principles (duration 20hrs).

OLD-060 Stay Solutions

Design a stay solution for an overhead distribution line, using a whole of life design approach, and in accordance with sound Safety in Design (SiD) principles (duration 30hrs).

OLD-070 Foundations and Footings Solutions

Design a foundation and footing solution for an overhead distribution line, using a whole of life design approach, and in accordance with sound Safety in Design (SiD) principles (duration 30hrs).

OLD-080 Line Design Practice (portfolio-based assessment)

OLD-080 Line Design Practice is a capstone (final) assessment, involving the submission and assessment of a portfolio of your own work for those wishing to be awarded the EEA Micro-credential in Overhead Line Design. Participants most likely to benefit from this course will be overhead line design professionals wishing to increase the scope of their technical knowledge, or overhead line operators studying with a view to transition into overhead line design practice. The design submitted will be required to meet a range of criteria to be provided in advance. Participants are then expected to prepare their own individual designs in their workplace and submit them for assessment. The module should take participants approximately 50 hours to complete, with participants required to achieve a grade of 75% to be endorsed with the Line Design Practice module. Line Design Practice is open to anyone, but only those who have completed OLD-010 Line Design Principles and at least one of OLD-020 to OLD-070 and OLD-080 can be awarded the micro-credential.