NEDERS® is an international database on electrical equipment defect information and gives its subscribers access to some 47,000 reports.
We believe this information will contribute to better understanding on asset performance and failure modes leading to improved long term reliability and quality, plus savings in operational and maintenance costs.
It is open to asset owners, network operators and maintenance and support organisations, but not directly to manufacturers.
Subscribers gain unlimited access to the NEDeRS® web pages, and can also be emailed updated information whenever a report is issued. They can also enter reports detailing electrical equipment defects/failures of their assets into the database.
You can carry out historic searches on plant and by specific manufacturers. The system contains photographs, diagrams, associated documentation and contact numbers for the majority of the plant items registered in the application.
Many new designs have the same failure mode and manufacturers are frequently challenged on the basis of information provided by NEDeRS®. The scheme avoids delays from manufacturers in notifying users of potential problems, saving time and money.
Engineers also use information from the system to inform buying decisions. Powerful and flexible search facilities allow, for example, all the voltage transformer failures of a certain type of switchgear to be displayed.
NEDeRS® gives you access to the following types of reports:
- Dangerous Incident (DIN) – A dangerous incident is one where the incident resulted in or could have resulted in a fatality or serious injury with an item of plant.
- Suspension of Operational Practice (SOP) – A notification of a company-specific suspension/change in some operational practice or procedure with an item of plant, for example, circuit breakers to be operated from a remote location or access restrictions around plant items.
- National Equipment Defect Report (NEDeRS®) – A notification of a design defect or in service problems/faults with plant items.
Seeking access?
Access to NEDeRS® is limited to asset owner members of EEA and only from the network / grid / generator company members. It is a condition that ENA UK have set.
The subscription pricing is based upon organisation size and status of EEA Corporate Membership.
Contact the EEA office for details by phoning 04 473-8600 or by emailing