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Grid Connected Solar

Masterclass 2021: Grid Connected Solar

Solar power is an example of a renewable energy that will form part of New Zealand’s response to decarbonisation and our future energy strategy. The EEA has observed that there has been a noticeable increase in the number of companies planning for the installation of utility-scale solar grid connections schemes.

This Masterclass was designed to help engineers grow their knowledge on utility-scale solar installation projects. The EEA lined up presentations from engineering leaders in our industry that have experience and involvement in utility-scale solar installations. Download presentations below.

Ron Beatty: Application process – Requirements of the code and System Operator for an application: Connection cost

2 August 2021

Rupert Holbrook: Transpower role

2 August 2021

DER and direct connections, Grid owner interests for large scale DER, three way working relationship. Power quality and protection co-ordination / impacts, connection capacity impact to GXP. Benchmark agreement between TP and EDBs

Brad Henderson: Systems studies – Mitton Outlining the system studies that shall be undertaken, transient behaviors

2 August 2021

Noel Nagoorsamy: Protection settings - Mitton

2 August 2021

Typical and areas and protection to apply; Distribution line and functions, specification requirements for asset Owner and EDB; Protection Studies; Powerplant controllers; 11kV line, auto reclose

Alex Spiers and Georgin Raju: Case Study – Working with distribution companies and installers.

2 August 2021

What needs to be commissioned, the typical steps How to interface with the EDB, what needs to be monitored, who is responsible


Grid Connected Solar Masterclass 2021