News and Events

FlexTalk Webinars

The EEA is leading FlexTalk in partnership with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) and industry. Download previous presentations and watch our FlexTalk webinars below.

Workshop at EEA2024: Connecting the dots and planning next steps

10 September, 2024

In this half-day workshop we updated participants on the work we have underway. This included a project by EA Technology to map out flexibility projects across Aotearoa and identify collaboration opportunities.

Webinar: The many layers of flexibility

18 July, 2024

This webinar presented with Cortexo, showcased the Flexviz project’s FlexSplice Hub,  a product using the OpenADR communication protocol to display what flexibility is available at each GXP around NZ. The demonstration showed how data visibility using real-time graphs and interactive visuals may be used to solve constraints on the system.

The webinar also provided a brief update on other EEA activities underway including planning for the next pieces of work in the FlexTalk programme and how demand flexibility is enabled through the EEA/EA/ENA collaboration on streamlining connections.

Webinar: FlexTalk – final reports

29 May 2024

The release of the final reports for the first FlexTalk project – findings, recommendations and next steps.

Webinar: FlexTalk – making sense of communications protocols. International insights

14 February 2024

What’s happening internationally in the adoption of open communication protocols to enable demand flexibility in the electricity system, and the latest from the FlexTalk project.

Webinar: FlexTalk – Part A

26 October 2023

This webinar covered the industry approach for designing flexibility programmes, our trial of Part A of the OpenADR standard, and wider learnings.

Expanding electric vehicle infrastructure in New Zealand

27 June 2023

Webinar: The future is flexibility – first steps on flexTalk

26 June 2023

Pre-conference workshop comprising nine webinars, held at the EEA2023 Conference and Technology Exhibition.

Why OpenADR

13 December 2022

To explore why OpenADR has been selected as the communication protocol to be used in the trial. During this webinar we heard from Brian Fitzgerald from EECA, Terry Paddy from Cortexo and Rodger Griffiths from Westpower.

Webinar: The OpenADR Project

25 March 2022

Our first webinar that outlined the FlexTalk project.