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Once you are part of the Knowledge Network, you can connect with others across the industry, access all the latest news, join discussion forums, register for events, sign-up for courses, contribute to EEA consultations and submissions.
You can also access all EEA digital publications, including the Safety Manual-Electricity Industry (SM-EI), by purchasing a publications licence.
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The Knowledge Network is where industry comes together to share and learn.
Our discussion forums cover a range of topics including public safety, live work, asset information or industry training.
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Purchase guides and technical documents, including the SM-EI, for a single fee.
Sign-up for industry events and courses and manage your participation through the Knowledge Network.
Your purchases and activity, including course participation, will be saved against your profile for you to find easily at any time and to provide a record of your professional development.
Extend your network benefits by joining the EEA!
EEA members are entitled to benefits including:
- discounts on events and publications,
- preferential placement at events,
- exclusive access to industry data and third-party services like the national equipment defect reporting system NEDeRS®
- awards offered to individuals such as Young Engineer of the Year, Professional Development and Excellence in Health and Safety Leadership.