About EEA

Public Safety Working Group

The Public Safety Working Group (PSWG) is a pan industry, innovative, inclusive, and trusted group that works with the electricity supply industry and other key stakeholders to connect the industry across Aotearoa New Zealand to promote continual improvement in public safety outcomes and solutions to public safety issues.

It was established in 2014 by the Electricity Networks Association (ENA) and the Electricity Engineers’ Association (EEA).

“Public” includes ‘third party contractors’ as well as members of the general public. It is also defined as ‘anyone who is not an employee or an authorised contractor working on behalf of the asset owner’.

The PSWG works with the electricity supply industry and other key stakeholders to connect the industry across Aotearoa New Zealand to coordinate, collaborate and develop consensus outcomes to solve public safety issues, share knowledge and promote standardisation.


  • Provides a focal point that supports, informs and influences decision makers and stakeholders.
  • Collaborate, coordinate, lead and promote knowledge and good practices in public safety matters in the NZ electricity industry.
  • Provide advice and guidance to improve public safety outcomes including understanding issues, decision making, planning, process and practices, and benchmarking.
  • Enabling the reporting and sharing of information relating to public safety incidents and events including analysis of available data on public safety incident trends
  • To identify and communicate critical public safety information to key audiences
  • To develop consistent national safety information for public and media releases
  • To facilitate in a managed and consistent way the distribution of public safety messages


The PSWG objectives will be delivered through:

  • A work plan that aligns with the EEA Strategic activities, Business Plan, and Budget
  • The development of guidance and use of standards by the electricity supply industry and other key stakeholders
  • Facilitating workshops/forums
  • Responding to industry queries
  • Monitoring New Zealand and overseas trends.
  • Liaising with Government agencies, and other local and international organisations on public safety matters
  • Benchmarking best practice in public safety management
  • Disseminating relevant information to industry.
  • Undertaking other matters as determined by the EEA Executive Committee.

Terms of reference

Public Safety Working Group


  • Zoe Jamieson (Chair) – Health, Safety and Environment Business Partner, Powerco

    New Plymouth-based Zoe is a Health, Safety and Environment Business Partner with Powerco having worked for the company since 2020. She has held health and safety roles across a number of businesses since 2012 including Tegal Foods, Intergroup and Worley parsons.

    Other strings to Zoe’s bow include a Bachelor of Communications, a National Certificate in Business, a National Certificate in Adult Education and Training, and she is a qualified ICAM (Incident Cause Analysis Method) investigator.

  • Michelle Agnew – Head of External Engagement, Alpine Energy

    Michelle began at Alpine Energy in the People and Capability Team before being promoted to lead the establishment of the company’s Communications and Marketing team. She recently stepped into the role of Head of External Engagement, as the company launched its dedicated Customer team. Michelle will bring a customer and communications perspective to the PSWG. Whether it’s physical or psychological, safety is always a priority for Michelle —both as a leader and in her personal life.


  • Keith Bartlett – Mercury Energy

    Based in Mercury’s Hamilton office, Keith has almost 29 years’ experience in the electricity generation industry. He started with the Electricity Corporation of New Zealand becoming a foundation member of the Mercury’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing team.

    Keith’s area of expertise is around management of Mercury’s 45001 and 7901 Health and Safety management systems, reporting and employee engagement.

    He holds a Certificate in Occupational Safety & Heath Management, Certificate in Adult Teaching and Certificate in Supervisory Management.

  • Marty Fox – Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager, Electra

    Marty is the Electra Group Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager. He brings a lifetime of practical experience in the broad field of leadership in safety, health and wellbeing across public and private sectors in both New Zealand and Australia including Fire and Emergency New Zealand, New Zealand Police and the Department of labour.

    His passion in this area has grown from working in very high-risk occupations and understanding the direct impact of failure, evolving into leading organisations in the development of their own systems and cultures to prevent harm.

  • Warren Harris – Network Operations Manager, The Lines Company

    Warren is currently Network Operations Manager at The Lines Company, where he has been working since 2018. His previous experience includes as planning engineer and field service supervisor at Waipa Networks. Warren is the owner and course provider of electrical competency training company Upstage Productions.

  • Steve Herbst – Health and Safety Business Partner, Meridian Energy

    Steve has a diverse work experience in health and safety roles. He is currently the Health and Safety Business Partner at Meridian Energy, a role he has held since August 2021.

    Prior to that, he worked in health and safety at Brian Perry Civil, Lincoln University and McConnell Dowell. Steve holds a NZ Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety.

  • Ian Hunter – Health and Safety Advisor, Aurora

    Ian is Aurora’s Health and Safety Advisor based in Dunedin. He has previously held health and safety roles for Oceana Gold, C3 Ltd and Bathurst Resources Ltd.

    A health, safety and environmental management professional with a broad range of experience in the high hazard environments of mining (underground hard rock, open cast coal and minerals processing), ports, electricity distribution, steel production, defence research and nuclear submarines.

  • Ryan Kelly – Head of Health and Safety, Manawa Energy

    Ryan is the head of Health and Safety at Manawa Energy. He has vast experience in diverse high-risk industries. His safety approach is about innovation and a commitment to excellence, seamlessly integrating health and safety practices into a business’s core operations.

    At Manawa Energy, Ryan has played a pivotal role in embracing Safety 2.0 principles, utilising technology to promote excellent work practices, and rethinking safety as a natural result of well-designed work processes.

  • Gareth Le Roux – Worksafe

    Gareth is a member of the Energy Safety business unit at WorkSafe New Zealand. He first came to New Zealand from South Africa for a visit, and ended up with working, studying, and living here. He has worked in the electrical industry for the majority of his life in a variety of different electrical environments.

    Gareth attends the PSWG as an observer.