Lead Investigator Training – Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM)
High quality Health and Safety in Employment (HSE) investigations that consistently identify factors to prevent recurrence are critically important to the sustainability of organisations, to maintain employee, customer and shareholder confidence.
Through the lead incident investigator course, participants will learn to use the Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM); a highly practical and structured method in which to conduct HSE investigations.
How you will learn
The two-day classroom-based course is summarised in the table below. In addition, participants will receive a practical toolkit to support their investigations using ICAM. The classroom-based component covers:
- An introduction to systemic investigations
- An introduction to understanding human error in the context of organisational systems.
- Data gathering methods including witness interviewing
- Data organisation methodologies (timeline and fault tree processes)
- Data analysis using the ICAM model
- Development of corrective and preventative measures
- Practical application of incident investigation tools in case studies
Day One
- Opening address and introductions
- Introduction to ICAM
- Case study one
- Human error and safety occurrences
- Data gathering using the PEEPO tool
- Data organising using timelines and “5 Why’s Tools”
- Case study two
- Witness interview techniques and exercise
Day Two
- ICAM application
- Data transition and analysis
- Corrective action development
- Case study two completion
- Syndicated investigation exercise
- Presentations by syndicates
- Just Culture and disciplinary issues
Who should participate
The ICAM course is open to all participants who want to be introduced to or improve their incident investigation skills.
Who is involved
The ICAM course is provided by the EEA and presented by Safety Wise Solutions (SWS), who are the licence holder for the ICAM training in Australasia. The SWS company principal developed ICAM at BHP Billiton based on Professor James Reason’s research into human factors and safety.
Lead Investigator Training
High quality Health and Safety in Employment (HSE) investigations that consistently identify factors to prevent recurrence are critically important to the sustainability of organisations, to maintain employee, customer and shareholder confidence. Through the lead incident investigator course, participants will learn to use the Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM); a highly practical and structured method in which to conduct HSE investigations.