News and Events

Forum 2020

Asset Management Forum 2020

The 2020 Forum webinar was held online over two half-days. The focus was on asset management and asset planning for low carbon in electricity business.

Programme and Presenters

View and download the Asset Management 2020 Programme or the About the Presenters flyer below.

Day One

25 November 2020

Partna Group presented on Asset Management plan reviews they have been undertaking, Transpower presented on the Risk Based Asset Management, WEL presented on their journey and learnings towards ISO 5500, and Orion presented on managing auto reclosure settings based on fire weather conditions.

2 December 2020

Planning for low carbon, with presentations from Allan Miller on forecasting PV, and Nigel Wilmont from Western Power on their experience in solar uptake, along with other very interesting presentations that provide insight on planning for a low carbon environment.
