The role of the NCLW is to act as the authoritative industry body for discussion and resolution of national issues affecting High Voltage (HV) and Low Voltage (LV) live work in the electricity supply industry (ESI).


Issues relating to and affecting the planning, development of work methods and carrying out of live work at all voltages on electrical equipment including stick, barehand, glove and barrier or any other live work method including testing. Live work means work performed under industry procedures inside the minimum approach distance of equipment that is not isolated and, for HV equipment, not earthed (as defined in the SM-EI).

The scope includes the following:

  • Recommending the adoption by industry of appropriate national or international standards
  • Publishing guidance documents to manage live work risks
  • Liaising with Government regulators on live work matters
  • Facilitating development of live working methods including procedures and techniques
  • Defining key skills and the requirements for managing worker competencies for live work
  • Reporting and analysis of live work accidents and near miss incidents
  • Disseminating information on live work issues to industry


The Terms of Reference (ToR) will be reviewed no later than every three years from the date of endorsement by the EEA Executive Committee. [Last reviewed: 13th September 2017]


The NCLW will report to the EEA Executive Committee. The NCLW liaise and work in collaboration with the EEA Safety Standards and Procedures Group (SSPG) and the Asset management Group (AMG) particularly where NCLW projects impacts on SSPG or AMG activities relating to the safe operation on or near electrical equipment.

The NCLW welcomes feedback from industry and other stakeholders and should be sent to


  • Bob Taylor, Consultant (Chair)
  • Charlie Dixon, Northpower
  • Graeme Johnson, Omexon
  • Gavin Paget, Powerco
  • Dave Smith, Scanpower
  • Alisdair Reid, Orion
  • Brent Pou, Lines and Cables
  • Richard Inglis, Vector
  • Peter Wilson, Connetics
  • Mark Isaac, Powernet
  • Peter Berry, EEA

NCLW advisor and projects manager is Hayley Head –  EEA Principal Advisor Health and Safety.

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