At this years forum we heard from a range of industry experts and members of the EEA Asset Management Working Group and participate in the conversation around shaping the future.

The Programme and About the Presenters

To view and/or download the Asset Management 2023 Programme and About the Presenters flyer see below:

programme and about the presenters


Peter Berry - EEA, Waqar Qureshi - Chair EEA's Asset Management Group / Wellington Electricity

Welcome, Updates and setting the scene for the Forum

Allen Davison, Sheila Matthews - Electricity Authority

EA priorities – Part 8 & Part 6

Sean McCready - Commerce Commission

Asset Management priorities of the Commission

Feng Wu - Horizon Networks

Asset Management – ISO 55001

Neville Watson - University of Canterbury

Mike Whaley - MW Consultants

Power Quality Guidelines launch - Neville Watson

Power Quality Guidelines launch - Mike Whaley

Mike Casey - Rewiring NZ

Electrification of New Zealand

Tom Rose - Evnex, Terry Paddy - Cortexo, Rodger Griffiths - ElectroNet,  
Astad Kapadia & Leng Am - Counties Energy,  David Mulder, Aurora Energy

FlexTalk – Key Findings from Part A and overview of Part B 

Tas Scott - ElectroNet

Resilience Guide Review

Stuart Johnston - EEA

Common Connection Guideline

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