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Reply To: Director Site visit: question templates

  • gideon-viviersnorthpower-com

    7 October 2021 at 4:14 pm

    Hi Stephen,

    I have used in my past roles questions that lead the conversation for example:

    -Can you recall a time this activity / project was completed very well? Why was that?

    – I see you doing this task in this way, is there a better / safer way in doing it?

    – When is this activity really hard to complete? What do you think contributes to that?

    – Lets say you are the CEO of the company or get an open cheque book, what changes would you make?

    -When was the last time you needed to skip a few steps to complete a job on time?

    – What is currently creating a lot of frustration when you do your job?

    When you do role it out, allow for free text so the leader can write what they observed. I created a template in iAuditor where a few pictures can be added and you can assign actions.

    Hope this helps a bit.

