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Reply To: Anemometers

  • Graeme Johnson

    23 November 2021 at 8:32 am


    We used some that were available from Dick Smith Electronics (when they were operational in NZ) Burnsco or Jaycar offer similar models

    Didnt get them calibrated as they’re used as an indicator only.

    We applied the manufactures limitations for use with MEWP which from memory was 12m/s, below an extract from our MEWP Operations manual

    # Take a reading at ground level and if the reading exceeds 12.5 m/s or is more than 10 m/s over a 5 minute period, then follow the guide below.

    # If readings are below the stated values indicated in the table above, then assign an operator in full PPE to extend the MEWP to the working height.

    # Take the readings at working height.

    · Note the reading on the tailgate and the time taken.