The EEA, in collaboration with Safety Wise Solutions is pleased to announce the organisation of a ICAM Lead Investigator training course on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st March, in Auckland.
Places are limited to 20 attendees
The Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) course is presented by Safety Wise Solutions who are the license holder for the ICAM training in Australasia. The company principal developed ICAM at BHP Billiton based on Professor James Reason research into human factors safety. High quality HSE investigations that consistently identify factors to prevent reoccurrence are vitally important to the sustainability of any organisation and to maintaining employee, customer and shareholder confidence. ICAM is an industrial HSE initiative that draws on the work of the eminent organisational psychologist and human error expert Professor James Reason. ICAM provides a highly practical and structured method in which to conduct systemic HSE investigations.
ICAM Lead Incident Investigator 2 day Course Overview
The course covers:
- An introduction to systemic investigations
- An introduction to understanding human error in the context of organisational systems
- Data gathering methods including witness interviewing
- Data organisation methodologies (timeline and fault tree processes)
- Data analysis using the ICAM model
- Development of corrective and preventative measures
- Practical application of incident investigation tools in case studies
To date, ICAM has been used in the investigation of incidents in the transport, resource, manufacturing, retail, construction, energy and medical sectors. Its successful use in a number of different countries (including Australia, Canada, USA, Chile, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Papua New Guinea, Peru, South Africa, Mongolia, China, Armenia, etc), work domains and cultural settings, indicates that it migrates readily as an investigation tool to a range of national and industrial contexts.
The classroom based ICAM Lead Investigator training program design intent:
- The program remains at or near industry best practice
- We deliver high quality, industry relevant, interactive and engaging training to clients
- To incorporate high quality video and 3D animation material
- The training program simulates the investigation process as closely as possible given the constraints of a training venue
- Case studies are industry relevant by drawing from a library of 35 incident case studies, for example from the aviation, rail, transport, mining, construction, maritime and ports, electricity supply
- The course attendees have an opportunity to use more investigation tools in their case study exercises
- Every ICAM Lead Investigator Course will be bundled with the ICAM Lead Investigator Refresher e-Learning Module
- Every ICAM Lead Investigator Course attendee will now receive the 2 day classroom based Lead Investigator Course and have the ability to utilise the refresher e-Learning course 24/7.
Investigation Toolkit
Course participants will receive practical tools in a durable weather resistant metal tin to support their investigations using ICAM, including:
- Pocket Investigation Guide
- Investigation facilitation tools
- A memory stick with investigation support tools and reporting templates
- Trainee Workbook
- Additional investigation resource material
- e-Learning Module Redeem Card to use as an on-line resource or refresher course
ICAM Lead Incident Investigator Course – 2 Days: ICAM Course overview
Auckland – TBC
Timings Day 1 and Day 2
- Registration / Sign in: 08.30 am
- Course Start: 09.00
- Day 1 close: 5.00 to 5.30 pm
- Start: 08.00 am
- Day 2 close: 4.30 pm