
Knowledge Network | Have your say! Changes to SM-EI Low Voltage Bonds/Earths terminology

  • Have your say! Changes to SM-EI Low Voltage Bonds/Earths terminology

    Posted by Hayley Head on 31 May 2023 at 3:03 pm

    As part of EEA’s engagement with SM-EI users, a number of Members’ companies have raised concerns about the use of the term ‘earths’ for low voltage work.

    These concerns have been discussed by the EEA Safety Standards and Procedures Group (SSPG) who are now seeking feedback from industry on proposed changes in terminology in this area.

    This is an important safety change – so we would appreciate you discussing the recommended change in your organisation and providing feedback to the SSPG by 23 June.


    In May 2020 the term ‘LV Bonds / Earths’ was introduced through the EEA’s Guide to Low Voltage Works Management for Distribution (Network) Infrastructure Assets.

    The Safety Manual – Electricity Industry (SM-EI) rules were subsequently changed to accommodate the term ‘LV Bonds / Earths’. This was to align the requirements of carrying out work on de-energised low voltage (LV) assets with those already established for work on high voltage (HV) assets.

    Since then, the SSPG has identified the need to update two more EEA guides to include the term ‘LV Bonds / Earths’ as follows:

    • Work on De-Energised Distribution OH lines; and,

    • Safe Work with Cables.

    Recommended changes:

    To understand these concerns the SSPG has collaborated with industry and is recommending changes to the SM-EI rules and associated guides by introducing the following glossary items and terms:

    • Task Specific Procedure: A procedure that outlines the controls and safety measures to be applied to de-energised LV work where it has been deemed to “not to be reasonably practical” to apply LV bonds.

    • LV Bonds: A device used to electrically interconnect all LV conductors.

    • LV Bonding: The deliberate act of interconnecting LV conductors together to bring conductors to the same potential.

    Have Your Say:

    The SSPG is seeking your feedback on the proposed changes (listed above) to the following guides:

    · SM-EI

    • Glossary;
    • Relevant
      rules to show distinction between ‘earths’, and ‘LV bonds’ and include
      task-specific procedure for LV work.

    EEA guides:

    · Work on De-energised Distribution Overhead Lines.

    · Low Voltage Works Management for Distribution Network Infrastructure Assets.

    · Safe Work with Cables.

    Submit your feedback on the proposed changes to low voltage Bonds/Earths terminology using the attached Industry Feedback spreadsheet, on or before 23rd June. Please note there are different tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet for each of the documents.

    Alternatively, you can email general feedback on the proposed changes to the EEA office:

    For more information, please email the EEA office.

    Hayley Head replied 1 year, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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