General Discussion

Knowledge Network | LV Works Management

  • LV Works Management

    Posted by Graeme Johnson on 24 May 2021 at 11:11 am

    The EEA Guide to Low Voltage Works Management has now been published for 1 year.

    How are companies going with implementing these requirements and where are you at in your journey?

    Would you see value in sharing ideas on implementation, the hurdles you’ve faced and those that you’ve overcome.

    If “yes” to the “sharing ideas” what’s the preferred method for doing this:

    1) face to face meeting where companies present, propose solutions, ask questions

    2) webinar following the same presentation format above

    3) learning teams

    4) other

    Please let us know as we’re wanting to engage with industry to make this as easy as possible


    G (021 245 0204)

    Paul Allan replied 3 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Graeme Jackson

    8 June 2021 at 3:22 pm

    Hi G, We have starting rolling this out to our teams, We have created an LV management procedure, LV live work procedures and a number of permits and forms. The roll out has gone well, with the main grumble from the teams has been around the added paper work. This was expected as no-one likes paper work.

    One question that has been asked is can or should the low voltage permits have different designations? I know we all understand what an Access permit is and the same with a live work or live line permit, but does having LV Access permits and LV live work permits create confusion between LV and HV permits.

    I’d like to see some input from other people on this and if we did adopt a different designation, what would that be?

    Cheers Jacko

    • Paul Allan

      14 June 2021 at 4:02 pm

      Hi G/Jacko,

      We have drafted/revised most of our documentation to incorporate the EEA guide that came out, but this is yet to be put into service.

      The permit would not change for us other than adding Low voltage selection box, but the same principals for information would apply.

      Cheers Paul

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