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Copper Theft

  • Posted by Stephen Albrecht on 25 May 2022 at 4:05 pm

    Further to the attached MainPower Safety Alert posted to EEA Knowledge Network Shared Learning, MainPower is continuing to experience copper thefts. Since 30/03/21 (15 months), over 81 sites have been affected, with four sites having been hit twice. The majority of copper theft has been earthing conductor from power powers in rural locations, e.g. transformer poles, air break switch poles, poles with lightning arresters, etc. The underground network has also been affected, e.g. new subdivisions under construction.

    MainPower is interested what other EBDs have been
    experiencing, and what mitigation measures have been employed or considered to
    deter and/or catch thieves, e.g. Poles: galvanised metal conduit enclosure; theft
    deterrent cable options; covert security cameras. Underground: security
    personnel, security cameras, etc.

    Stephen Albrecht replied 2 years, 5 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • bcoradinepowernet-co-nz

    25 May 2022 at 4:30 pm

    Hi Stephen, we experienced the same issue several months back. The copper theft was primarily of the ABS And TX earths, and our approach was not dissimilar to what you have outlined in your safety alert.

    We mapped the known locations where copper was stolen and then had our Asset Inspectors conduct inspections of all TX and ABS earths in the vicinity. This helped identify further sites where copper was stolen.

    The police were very helpful in detailing on their social media page the risk to the persons stealing copper and the risk they created to the public.

    Kind Regards,

    • Stephen Albrecht

      26 May 2022 at 8:53 am

      Hi Brett,

      Thank you for your reply. We also have mapped sites and patrolled surrounding areas. Clearly, copper theft is likely to be a nation-wide issue.



  • Marty Fox

    26 May 2022 at 7:00 am

    Hi Stephen

    Copper thefts are an ongoing issue for us, although it is much more sporadic now than a couple of years ago. All in rural areas, and almost all transformer earths. They are essentially chopping the earth from the pole at knee and head height, only taking about 1.5m at a time. Hardly worth the effort, although reduces their exposure as they are only there for about a minute.

    In late 2019 we had over 100 sites affected in a two month period, and at that time we engaged with the Police areas around us, the Scrap Metal Dealers Association, and neighbouring networks (Powerco was getting hit hard, actually caught some of the offenders I believe).

    We increased patrols of areas hit multiple times, trialled a couple of solar power CCTV cameras (good idea, just didn’t get any results), did door to door looking for properties with CCTV and reviewed footage (identified vehicles of interest but not able to record plates or people), lots of mail box drops, and use of local media and social media.

    Our public safety campaign still covers interference with assets, and increasing public awareness is important but hasn’t landed results yet.

    Things slowed down during the lockdown periods as well, more people at home and more aware of unusual activity. Commodity prices are up again, so we are all likely to get more. We also recently had a length of copper cored 33kV cable taken from where it was stored in a fully fenced substation yard.

    Our new earthing standard means we are using galv pipe to protect the earths, these have worked well in high risk areas. I understand we’ve also looked at alternatives to copper.



    • Stephen Albrecht

      26 May 2022 at 8:57 am

      Hi Marty,

      Thank you for your response. Interesting feedback regarding the solar power CCTV camera results. Seems like we are all experiencing similar issues and using similar approaches to try and mitigate the problem.



  • Bill Doig

    26 May 2022 at 7:06 am

    Morning Stephen

    Orion was having a similar issue. I provided WEL’s design utilising steel rope for the down lead. Anyone else interested in a copy? We found the Police totally ineffectual when we reported the thefts. Even pulled in the area commander to meet with our CE to explain the danger. Our solution was to engage a reputable firm of private investigators (ex Policeman). They found the culprit and the receivers. Put it on a plate and took to the Police. They then had to prosecute

    • Stephen Albrecht

      26 May 2022 at 9:07 am

      Hi Bill,

      Thank you for your response. Very interesting regarding the Police and private investigators. We have a couple of police officers actively involved in MainPower area copper theft incidents. They have identified persons and items of interest that are consistent with what has been stolen from MainPower’s network.

      Yesterday, we had our first reported case of DO fuse solid links stolen from an open point pole. Common approach has been to leave solid links hanging on the pole at about half pole height.

      MainPower would be interested in the WEL design utilising steel rope for the down lead. Please email a me copy.



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