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Earthing and short circuiting HV bushings of transformers
Earthing and short circuiting HV bushings of transformers
Hi all,
We are struggling to find rated equipment to attach to the HV terminals of a transformer to meet the requirements of the SM-EI.
SM-EI EE 5.1121
Before working on the windings or terminals of a distribution transformer (with secondaryvoltage less than 1000V), the transformer HV shall be isolated, and the HV terminals shall be earthedand short-circuited.
If the cable connected to the HV bushings is earthed and short circuited then electrically the terminals will also be earthed and short circuited, is this enough to satisfy this rule?
We are also using “Spider earths” at the terminals which is a spring loaded clamp to bond the cable for disconnection (removes any induced voltage) but these are not rated under fault conditions and don’t meet the “earth” requirement of SM-EI.
How are others managing this?
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