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Hazardous Substances

  • Hazardous Substances

    Posted by "Christopher John" Davies on 13 February 2024 at 3:18 pm

    We are reviewing the storage of hazardous substances, including the storage of new, used and faulty transformers in our yard. We have a couple of areas that we are interested in hearing what others are doing.

    1. Are you storing bulk transformers and if so, how are they being stored e.g bunded/covered or not
    2. Our transformer supplier has provided 9 safety data sheets for the type of oil which may be in the transformers – some of which are non-hazardous, some toxic and eco-toxic. There is no indication of what oil is in the transformer. Has anyone come up against this? How are you managing it?
    "Christopher John" Davies replied 11 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Stephen Small

    13 February 2024 at 4:00 pm

    Hi Chris

    1. we have a dedicated ground level pad for bulk transformers (similar to that used with Above ground diesel fuel pumps) that filters into a dedicated interceptor pit.

    2. we only have the one type of Transformer oil. I am personally suspicious of over-reliance on ‘eco-toxic’ rating being inherently hazardous, as both milk and orange juice are ‘eco-toxic’ but not hazardous to mammals.



  • Rhys Thomas

    20 February 2024 at 10:21 am

    Hey Chris,

    I have asked about storage of Transformers.

    As for oil, we are currently going through a similar process to identify if and how we maintain a register of the different oil types in transformers. None has been identified as hazardous, but where we have a large amount of oil in a Tx we are looking to identify how we are containing and controlling it in the case of a spill from an environmental perspective. I have suggested that we could use the Worksafe haz subs register for sites with large transformers. Still a work in progress.

    • "Christopher John" Davies

      20 February 2024 at 10:53 am

      Thanks Rhys

      Bit of a work in progress here too. Having re-built our offices, and now looking at our much-enlarged yard, the compliance issues arise about what, and how much we store.

  • Rhys Thomas

    28 February 2024 at 7:32 am

    A bit more information.

    <ul type=”disc”>

  • Storage, Transformers are stored in open outdoor areas, with the
    exception of some in Orari St and Ellis St that do actually sit in/on a
  • We kind of know what oil is in them and have MSDS information on
    the oil.
  • I think Etel should actually identify what oil type/ model is on
    every Tx. If we get FR3 installed then they do label the Tx as such.
  • Many years ago, we often debated the bunding concept of Tx while in stock, New or Used, with some thinking they should be bunded, but we don’t bund them in the installation. So why in storage.

    When draining Tx for recycling, this is done in a controlled bunded area or in a workshop.

  • "Christopher John" Davies

    28 February 2024 at 9:25 am

    Thanks Rhys,

    Still very much a work in progress here. Appreciate the help.


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