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Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) Training
Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) Training
The EEA is promoting improved incident and significant near miss cause analysis in the electricity industry. The Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) methodology based on Professor James Reason research affords a consistent and widely accepted methodology and language around cause analysis. Maintaining competence and practice in applying ICAM techniques enables sustainable resolution of significant primary and contributing incident causes. This is integral to electricity and company level strategies for reducing recurring and also significant incident risks.
In support of these objectives the EEA is offering two 2 day training courses:
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- Wellington: Monday 17<sup>th</sup> and Tuesday 18<sup>th</sup>
July- Christchurch: Thursday 20<sup>th</sup> and Friday 21<sup>st</sup>
JulyCourse covers:
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- An introduction to systemic investigations
- An introduction to understanding human error in the
context of organisational systems- Data gathering methods including witness interviewing
- Data organisation methodologies (timeline and fault
tree processes)- Data analysis using the ICAM model
- Development of corrective and preventative measures
- Practical application of incident investigation tools
in case studiesICAM Lead Investigator Training Flyer
To find out more
and/or to register for the ICAM Lead
Investigator course visit our Upcoming Events page - Wellington: Monday 17<sup>th</sup> and Tuesday 18<sup>th</sup>
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