Review of CCF 10. HV Supply Electrician
Review of CCF 10. HV Supply Electrician
The ENA Common Competency Framework (CCF) User Working Group (UWG) is a body established to represent all participating and prospective organisations and ensure the relevancy of the CCF over time. The UWG is currently reviewing competency class 10 HV Supply Electrician. They have chosen to break the HV Supply Electrician down to include subclasses. These sub classes to potentially have micro credentials of ES unit standards or new skill standards specific to the competency requirements. Micro credential can range from 5 – 40 credits.
Initial thoughts for subclass are inspection, maintenance and construction but the group would review unit standards available to determine grouping of the subclasses.
The UWG is seeking industry feedback on Competency Class 10 HV Supply Electrician and is starting this discussion to understand industry requirements and thoughts on how different organisations utilise the skills of a HV electrician and the different roles a HV electrician holds in the distribution sector.
1. What sub classes are required?
2. What skills are required for that sub class?
Attached is a list of current unit standards available for ES industry. All comments welcomed on what should be included.
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