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Health and Safety

Overlapping Duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act (PDF)


This Guide provides guidance on means of compliance with duties set out in sections 33 and 34 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, commonly referred to as overlapping duties.


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This Guide provides guidance on means of compliance with duties set out in sections 33 and 34 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, commonly referred to as overlapping duties. The Guide provides information to the electricity supply industry (ESI) on activities with respect to the duty to consult, co-operate with, and co-ordinate activities with all other businesses (PCBUs) which have a duty in relation to the same matter. The duties may arise from activities which the ESI business has initiated or they may be in response to activities initiated by another business working in the vicinity of ESI assets or a worksite. The activities covered include those arising from a supply chain to those arising from one-off contracted supply.