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Note: Please read the “Ask EEA” Terms and Conditions at the bottom of this page.
“Ask EEA” Terms and Conditions
The following information is reproduced from the Terms and Conditions for this website:
Purpose and use of ‘Ask EEA’
‘Ask EEA’ is intended to support industry to understand and apply our publications.
Please use the search feature to check whether your query has already been asked or answered – this saves us all time.
If you do not want others to see or comment on your questions, there is an option for posting your question privately.
We encourage users to contribute to this facility by proposing answers to others questions or commenting on questions and answers.
EEA will seek to ensure correct answers are available for all questions about our publications, and that a ‘Best Answer’ is identified for a question. EEA may rely on electricity supply industry representatives to assist, including by contributing answers. EEA reserves the right to moderate all content as per the terms and conditions for this website. Furthermore, EEA may edit or delete questions or answers to improve the overall experience of our users.
EEA may decline to provide an answer to a question on the basis that answering the question is outside the purpose of ‘Ask EEA’. The EEA may in its absolute discretion decide whether answering a question is outside the purpose of ‘Ask EEA’.
All answers including ‘Best Answers’ have been reviewed by representatives of the electricity supply industry. ‘Best Answers’ are recommended as good practice. Answers including ‘Best Answers’ are not a substitute for legislative or other regulatory requirements. If there is uncertainty on what guidelines or legislative requirements should apply in any particular situation, specialist advice, including legal advice, should be sought.
EEA and the electricity supply industry representatives involved in reviewing or preparing answers including ‘Best Answers’ accept no liability or responsibility for an error or omission contained in any answer including ‘Best Answers’, or any injury, loss, damage (including indirect or consequential loss or damage), or any other claim from any reliance on, or failure to rely on, the answers including ‘Best Answers’ given through this facility.
Answers including ‘Best Answers’ have been made available on the basis that the user will be appropriately trained, qualified and, authorised.