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Safety Disconnections

  • Safety Disconnections

    Posted by Chris Webb on 10 August 2021 at 10:32 am

    I am interested to learn how other EDBs manage safety disconnections for home owners who have engaged scaffolders, painter etc. who are working close to and around the private service lines?

    Bill Doig replied 2 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Bill Doig

    10 August 2021 at 11:31 am

    We do a free disconnect and reconnect service. If they want it for a long period, there are contractors out there who can place line sleeves over the conductor, endure the insulation is adequate and provide advice. We did do this but managing the sleeves and recovering them became a nightmare. Too many line sleeves disappeared, never to be seen again

    • Chris Webb

      8 September 2021 at 10:54 am

      Thanks Bill

  • Stephen Small

    10 August 2021 at 2:16 pm

    Hi Chris,

    if it is within normal working hours, more than 48 hours notice, and isolation (not physical disconnection and removal of conductors) then we provide the service for free.

    We don’t provide cover up gear (similar problems to Bill with stuff disappearing, as well as the cost of insulation testing before every use).

    • Chris Webb

      8 September 2021 at 10:55 am

      Tyhanks Stephen

  • Graeme Jackson

    20 June 2022 at 8:05 am

    Hi All, To add to this discussion, One of our team has just completed a safety isolation to a single phase residential property to clear trees from the service line. Removed the pole mounted service fuse and tested the service line to confirm de-energised, He then noticed the lights were still on in the house, On investigation found the house had a solar and battery setup. He advised the tree cutters and turned off the main switch and applied a safety tag.

    Question is – Is this OK, No visible break but it’s isolated and tested, should we be applying an earth? I’m not sure if I’m OK with our guys removing fixed wiring from the back of switch board.

    Can we rely on the electronics in the inverter? Should we?

    Interested in everyone’s thoughts and experience.

    • Bill Doig

      20 June 2022 at 3:02 pm

      I’m with Steven. We don’t have any SWP’s around solar but do have a register of solar sites and our smart meters can corelate if we’ve got sites exporting who aren’t on the register. Solar sites I think appear in the work pack so field staff can isolate the main switch if they desire. Changing conductors mandates turning the main switch off anyway. Seems everyone is playing ball on our network with solar compliance

  • Stephen Small

    20 June 2022 at 2:36 pm

    Hi Graeme

    my understanding of AS/NZS4777 is that:

    Inverters must provide islanded protection to the grid to preserve safety of grid personnel and the general public. The disconnection device shall operate when there is loss of power.

    There is an additional requirement for obvious signage at the main switch warning of PV installation, and noting where the isolation switch location is.

    I don’t think that disconnecton at the main switch is necessary after turning off the main switch and tagging – especially as s/he confirmed the service line was de-energised.

    Was s/he an inspector? Physical disconnection requires inspection when relivening, but no inspection needed for removal of tag on main switchand and replacing survice fuse.

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